Saturday, October 4, 2008

Off to Ft. Kent

I just returned from meeting with Laura, and her lovely daughter, Rachel. Laura is one of our contacts from Ft. Kent. She was in southern Maine this week, so we arranged to meet here. She will be distributing your donations throughout the Ft. Kent area as part of her work at the local food pantry. We stood in the parking lot at Borders, admiring your work. It will arrive in Ft. Kent just in time. Today the air feels distinctly cooler, even in the southern part of Maine. Time for flannel sheets, extra layers, soup for dinner, and of course, hand knits.

As I have mentioned, Nest will continue. Feel free to spread the word to the knitters, weavers, and crocheters in your lives. Donations can be sent to the P.O. box at any time. There is a chance we will do one more drive this winter. If not, we will certainly do a large drive next summer/fall. In the meantime, be sure to knit something wonderful for yourself!

By the way, a few folks wrote to say they are starting projects in their communities. One that comes to mind is taking shape in Washington state. It's called Warmth for Washington. If I am correct, they have decided to accept items beyond the 10/15 date. Items will be collected throughout the fall and winter. Check out this blog for information:

I've also heard about a group in California called The Knit-Along-Gang. Started by a young homeschooler, the gang hopes to bring both young and old together to knit for those in need. I'll let you know if they want to post information here.

Thank you so very, very much for your generosity.
